Our current Minstrels of MisRule

Thomas Middleton
Martin Nagle
Thomas Middleton is an actor, word smith and roustabout in South London. He may not have written most of Macbeth, but he did write "The Witches" featuring an awful lot of identical dialogue.
Martin Nagle is a writer, singer, actor, director and musician based in Northern California, engaged in performances and projects since the early 1980s. He currently resides in the San Francisco Bay area, where he balances artistic pursuits with business activities, political activism and animal husbandry.
Tenor, Octave Mandolin

Lucy Morgan
Ana Elizondo
​Lucy Morgan owns and runs one of "Those" taverns in the South of London. She is a master of single-entendre theater.
Ana Elizondo is a Mother of two, wife of one and lover of many... Born and raised in Oakland, CA, she has been a performer her whole life. Music is just the newest endeavor. And she is killing it.
Contralto, Tambourine

Ned Alleyn
Kevin Clune
​Ned Alleyn is the foremost actor of the 16th century. He is part owner of the Rose Theater with Phillip Henslowe.
Kevin is a proud member of the OZCat radio family in Vallejo California. When not playing with the Minstrels, he spends time with family, his cats, and his classic Metal albums.
Tenor, Octave Mandolin

John Downland
Paul Neal
John Dowland is a legend in his own mind. As well as the minds of the courts of Naples, the Netherlands, and the most recent Pope. But we don't hold that against him.
Paul Neal is a multi-instrumentalist achieving his doctorate in music composition. He has had his compositions performed on the national level. He lives and plays in California.
Bass, Lute Guitar

Mary Wroth
Clare Stewart
​Mary Wroth was a person who may or may not have kissed Shakespeare and lived to tell the tale.
Clare joined the Minstrels in 2010 and is self-taught on guitar, vocals, and tambourine. She shares a home with her loving husband and their two cats, and tends the fruit trees on their small orchard in Concord, CA
Alto, Guitar, Tambourine

Joan Woodward
Kelsey Brakefield
​Joan Woodward is the adopted daughter of Phillip Henslowe and the wife of Ned Alleyn. Which is all perfectly normal.
Kelsey Brakefield is a Bay Area singer, Literature instructor, and lover of Faire. She enjoys reading more than is good for her and finding the right light for her houseplants.
Mezzo, Alto

Jaqueline Field
Anna Baker
​Jaqueline Field is a printer responsible for printing the Shakespeare Folios as well as any number of works of Middleton, Marlowe, and others of the Minstrels.
Anna Baker has been playing flute since the 5th grade and has greatly enjoyed making the switch to penny whistle. She can be found eating cheese, running Spartan races, and watching too much tv.
Mezzo, Alto, Tin Whistle

Christopher Marlowe
Daniel Brakefield
​Christopher "Kit" Marlowe writes very popular plays and is probably not a spy for her Majesty's government or for the Catholic Church. Or both.
Kit also has eye difficulties
Daniel Brakefield is a performer and recording artist in the Bay Area, singing with the San Francisco Symphony, Cappella SF, and the Benedict XVI institute. He has a passion for performing Fin-de-Siecle and early 20th century repertoire…but has been seduced by the Minstrels.
Bass, Tambourine

Jane Davenant
Amanda Leigh
​Jane Davenant is the proprietress of the Crown Inn in Oxford. She named Shakespeare as the "godfather" of her only son. Her husband was confused.
Amanda Leigh has been singing since she could talk, and playing mandola since Marty talked her into it. She loves an excuse to throw a dinner party or a riot, and can be found watching British murder shows with her cats.
Soprano, Mandola